Top-5 and Bottom-5 classes in terms of accuracy

Top 5 Staggering (99.64%) Hugging (99.64%) Mountain climber exercise (92.59%) Golf driving (93.33%)
Jump up (99.27%) Hopping (99.27%) Clean and jerk (89.25%) Deadlifting (90.0%)
Falling down (98.54%) Put on jacket (99.27%) Front raises (87.37%) Clean and jerk (83.33%)
Put on jacket (98.53%) Walking towards (99.26%) Lunge (87.14%) Climbing a rope (78.57%)
Hopping (98.18%) Drink after cheers (99.13%) Jumping jacks (87.1%) Playing saxophone (75.0%)
Bottom 5 Writing (57.41%) Staple book (32.57%) Falling off chair (11.5%) Playing tennis (15.79%)
Eat meal (71.43%) Make victory sign (54.02%) Cumbia (12.9%) Playing guitar (16.67%)
Reading (72.43%) Hit with object (60.03%) Swinging baseball bat (14.29%) Reading a book (30.0%)
Sneeze or cough (77.17%) Blow nose (60.45%) Passing American football (16.28%) Bowling (38.46%)
Play with phone or tablet (78.75%) Counting money (60.7%) Digging (17.39%) Catching or throwing baseball (38.46%)

Dataset-wise Analysis